Irrigation Turnkey Projects

High quality products based on R&D and hands-on field expertise have placed BALSONPOLYPLAST in the front rank of the world’s experts at tailoring irrigation projects anywhere and on any scale.

Our agronomists, engineers, consultants and technicians are qualified in the world’s most sophisticated, state-of-the-art irrigation technology. Their designs for efficient use of water resources include such methods as catchments, dams, borehole water and the recycling of sewage waters for agricultural use. Using every available system for purifying and filtering water, our irrigation systems are designed for the best possible results.

From nurseries, greenhouses, and plantations to landscaping and all kinds of row crops, BALSON POLYPLAST teams are at work around the world designing and installing projects.

Using computers as their basic tool for the creation and control of the most efficient. hydraulic systems and modern irrigation systems in the world, the experts at BALSON POLYPLAST have proven that when it comes to high-quality agricultural products.Leader in irrigation technology.

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